Releasing Space ROS

Before the release window

  • Determine the release tag of the form rosdist-year.month.point, for example humble-2024.01.0

  • Open a new issue with a title of the form “year-month Release”, for example “2024-01 Release”

  • Create a milestone that matches the release tag in each repo under the Space ROS organization

  • Create a new view in the Space ROS Project filtered by milestone

During the release window

  • Tag issues intended for the release with the correct milestone

  • Update issue status on the project view for the release

At the end of the release window

  • Create release/distro branches on docker, demos, simulation, docs, and process_sarif.

  • Update the .repos files to the new versions for the new distro sync.

  • Re-run the tests, creating issues for any that failed.

  • Docker images are already built but only tagged latest, must tag release as release name.

  • Add announcements to Website, Docs, and Discourse

  • Create next release milestone and tracking issue

After release window

  • Open issues based on release experience

  • Document lessons learned